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2 Simple home remedies/treatments for sensitive teeth Problem

Posted by Health Tips on Thursday 20 February 2014

Tooth Sensitivity - Two natural home remedies/treatments for sensitive teeth Problem

Tooth Sensitivity - Two natural home remedies/treatments for sensitive teeth Problem

If you feel a sharp pain (tooth sensitivity pain) on your teeth while eating, drinking cold and hot food or breathing cold air is called tooth sensitivity. There are types of tooth pain reported by peoples that they feel one tooth sensitive to hot and cold food or few tooth sensitive to hot and cold food.

Do you know what causes sensitive teeth to hot and cold food?.. There are numerous factors contribute to the causes of tooth sensitivity which have been give below.

1. Regular use of hard tooth brushes
2. Brushing tooth vigorously (Aggressive tooth brushing erodes the enamel on the teeth and exposes the nerves below the teeth when we eat or drink hot or cold drinks which causes the tooth pain)
3. Bacteria or Plaque present on the teeth also cause teeth sensitivity problem
4. Few Teeth whitening products (has backing soda as a component which causes teeth sensitivity problem)

The reason mentioned above are the reasons for tooth sensitivity. Don't worry if you have the symptom of tooth sensitivity pain due to the reasons said above. As there are few simple natural & traditional home remedies available for the sensitive teeth problem. The remedies give below are simple home treatments for sensitive teeth pain.

Treatment 1 for the Teeth sensitivity:

Required materials:
1. Mustard oil
2. Rock salt

Take 1 tea spoon of mustard oil, add 1 tea spoon of rock salt, mix them and apply this on the sensitive teeth using your index finger and massage it on, leave it for 5 mints and then wash your mouth with normal water.

Treatment 2 for the Teeth sensitivity:

Required materials:

1. Luke warm water
2. Normal salt

Take a glass of Luke warm water, add 2 tsps of normal salt, mix them well and rinse your mouth twice a day with this salt solution.

How to stop tooth sensitivity pain as fast as we can?.
There are few precautions that has to be taken care to avoid sensitive teeth problem.

Simple precautions for sensitive teeth Problem:
1. Brush your teeth Gently
2. Use soft Tooth brushes
3. Hold tooth brush like a pen but not like a weapon.. :)
4. Brush your teeth twice a day ( Morning and Before going to bed)

Tags: health Care tips, Natural treatments for Dental problems, Dental care tips, Dental problems and treatments


  1. Tooth Decay or Dental Cavities is one of the most common dental problems. This condition needs immediate medical care else would result in further damage to tooth, spreading to other tooth or tooth-loss. Tooth decay is common among all ages. Individuals suffering from Tooth Decay experience acute pain (sometimes accompanied by headache). It is caused due to excessive intake of sugar or sweets. One has to visit a doctor who would treat it after the analyzing the tooth condition.

  2. I was looking for articles on dental care India and I came across yours inspiring read.
    Thanks! great tips!

  3. I got it! My cousin always experience this sensitivity of his tooth. At first I noticed that its his hard brush might cause or increase the sensitivity. I should verify this idea to my Estetico Manila dentist here in Makati. Thanks for the post! This is worth sharing!

  4. There are several home remedies that you can use to sooth your dental problems at home. But is always advisable to visit a dental expert like Dentzz for a safer side. Check out their posts on home remedies here

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