Posted by Health Tips on Sunday 7 June 2015


Sunlight is able to speed up the body's metabolism to eliminate toxic poisons the body has accumulated. The ultraviolet light would help to remove them. Thus by aiding in the removal of many cancer-causing agents, sunlight is able to reduce the incidence of cancer. Studies show that as the amount of available sunlight increases, the incidence of internal cancer decreases. The total cancer deaths of the various American states and Canadian provinces
sunlight vs cancer
are shown to fall with increasing available sunlight Sunlight increases the use of oxygen in the tissues. This can be very important in stimulating the immune System especially in the production of antibodies. Many types of cancer cells do not like oxygen, and when exposed to high concentrations they will begin to slow their growth and division, finally stopping completely In this indirect way, sunlight can fight against cancer, stimulating the immune System and increasing the oxygen in the

In humans, the evidence that light is involved with cancer is coming into focus. When the pineal gland in humans becomes calcified, it cuts down its production of melatonin. This, in turn, stimulates the production of estrogen, which causes an increased amount of breast cancer. Over 60% of Americans have calcified pineal glands when they are over 50 years of age, while in Japan only 9.9% and in Nigeria 5% of the persons beyond the age of 40 have calcified glands. Since the incidence of breast cancer is low in Japan and South Africa and high in North America, it would appear, according to Dr. Kirne, M. D. that calcified pineals are associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer. The reasons why the pineal gland becomes calcified remain obscure. The lowlight intensity that the human eye receives while indoors combined with the lack of Stimulation of the pineal gland, may be factors contributing to calcification of the pineal gland.


Some humans are very sensitive to sunlight and will burn easily. Blond and red haired persons seem to be most troubled with chronic burning. Skin cancer patients appear to be very sensitive to sunlight. They sunburn more easily and the burned area takes longer to heal. They also have a harder time tanning. The current medical concept pictures a destructive sun, one responsible for aging of the skin and capable of causing skin cancer. Research stemming from this concept provides Information on the sun and its relation to human health. Undeniably, the sun plays a role in skin cancer and aging, but is it the primary contributor?

Dr. Zane Kirne, M. D., author of Sunlight Could Save Your Life, became increasingly convinced as he studied the available research data, that the highly refined western diet, particularly that of refined oils, plays the leading role in the development of skin cancer, and that sunlight seems only to accelerate the problem. The intake of salad and cooking oils has increased dramatically since 1909 when oils were consumed at the rate of 1.5 pounds per person per year. By 1972, this figure had risen to18 Ibs. Now today, it is over 58 Ibs. per person. There is little doubt, in the research literature, as to whether or not a high fat diet promotes a higher and earlier incidence of skin cancer due to ultraviolet light. Not only skin cancer, but breast and colon cancer as well, seem to be increased by a high fat diet Not only does saturated fat stimulate cancer formation, but unsaturated or polyunsaturated fat will do the same in many cases. In scientific literature, the polyunsaturated fats are shown to apparently stimulate cancer formation more quickly than do the saturated fats.

Nutrition and sunlight are intimately related. Sunshine on the skin produces certain hormones and nutrients like Vitamin D. Unless one has a proper diet, sunlight has an ill effect on the skin. This must be emphasized: sun bathing is dangerous for those who are on the Standard high-fat American diet (which is 45% fat) or who do not get an abundance of vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits. It is not only the dietary fat that promotes skin cancer formation, but also fat of oil applied directly to the skin. This is why sun bathing lotions, creams, or oils cannot be recommended, for they may stimulate cancer formation.

Polyunsaturated fat, itself has been shown to inhibit the immune System. In fact, it does this so well that researchers are now using polyunsaturated fat in the diets of kidney transplant patients and those with skin grafts taken from other people, so the patient´s bodies will not reject the foreign tissue.



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